Welcome to the St. Louis Martial Arts Academy!  Whether you are a novice who is just beginning your martial arts journey, a long-time martial artist looking to explore a new art, or if you want to enhance your skills through cross training, STLMAA can meet your needs.

STLMAAA was established and is operated by members of the Applied Combatives Group. We believe that no single martial art meets the complete needs of every individual or has the answer for every situation. Therefore, consistent with the philosophy of the late Bruce Lee, we encourage all students to continually explore, learn, and train in multiple systems. Our goal was to create a training environment that is welcoming for martial artists of all styles and all levels of experience and proficiency.

STLMAA provides a dedicated, yet fun and open-minded training environment conducive to developing each student’s innate abilities and attributes. At STLMAA, you will be exposed to a variety of systems, philosophies, attitudes, and methods in hopes that it will ultimately lead to your own individualized expression of the arts. You may choose a single art or, through cross training, develop an individualized method of self-defense.

We are not here to teach THE way, but to help you find YOUR way—the method that fits your physical, mental, and practical needs. This personalized training allows each student access to the best that the martial arts have to offer. We appreciate the opportunity to share with you.

“Best Film”

“New Film Festival”

“Best Short”